How To Make Money With YouTube In 2024

YouTube is a great platform to open your way to entrepreneurship. So if you want to know how to earn money with YouTube, this is your article.

YouTube is the second-largest social network, with over 2 billion users worldwide.

So it doesn’t matter if you are an e-commerce entrepreneur who wants to learn how to make a YouTube channel and earn extra money through online sales or if you are interested in knowing everything you need to do to be a YouTuber.

This article will give you all the information you need to learn how to be a YouTuber and earn money with your activity.

It is clear then that once you read this article, you will know everything you need to know about how to make money on YouTube in 2024.

More specifically, we will tell you how YouTubers make money, from how many subscribers YouTube starts paying and how to monetize videos on YouTube.

In addition to all that, we will give you some extra tips so that your videos receive more views, and we will also explain how to get subscribers on YouTube.

YouTube Earnings: How You Make Money With YouTube By Uploading Videos

If you have been looking for new ways to earn extra money, you have probably wondered how to make videos on YouTube and earn quick and easy cash or how to make money with YouTube.

Pay attention because these are how you can earn money on YouTube.

YouTube Partner Program

How To Make Money With YouTube In 2024

How do YouTubers make money?

The easiest way is to upload videos to YouTube and generate passive income from the content created.

But there are some nuances to this: if you want to know how to make money from YouTube, you must know how the YouTube partner program works in 2024.

When does YouTube start charging?

YouTubers can only monetize their videos once accepted into the YouTube Partner Program. And only when your YouTube channel reaches 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours will it be eligible to be reviewed to join the partner program.

It means that you will not be able to generate income on YouTube until you reach this number of viewed hours, as well as the minimum number of subscribers, so it is essential to continue creating content and increasing the reach of your channel by trying new topics to make videos on YouTube.

Here are more details on the YouTube Partner Program


Now that you know how many views you have on YouTube to earn money, let’s answer some frequently asked user questions.

How much do you get paid on YouTube?

This question is expected since you are questioning other things, such as: how much are a million views on YouTube worth? How do YouTubers make money? Is it a good business idea?

If you are interested in how much money you can make on YouTube, no exact figure can estimate what you will earn when you get one million views on YouTube.

This platform does not reward the number of visits but offers a commission for other complementary actions (advertising, super chat, membership, etc.). That implies that the higher the number of visits, the more financial compensation you will get, but the exact amount is uncertain.

Creating quality content is the best way to earn a steady income on YouTube

If your content is good, the community will be loyal to your videos, and this will increase your advertising revenue more companies want to offer you money in exchange for promoting their products on your channel. and more people want to access the premium content of your track or who are willing to pay to appear in the first positions of the comments.

So views are only one of the things you should be concerned about if you want to learn how to monetize videos on YouTube.

Read Here to understand how you make money with YouTube.

How To Make Money With YouTube In 2024

How much does each YouTube subscriber bring in for you?


You need to be paid by YouTube according to how many subscribers you have.

This figure is essential to give you an idea of the money that can be earned on YouTube through advertising revenue, affiliate marketing, super chat, membership, merchandising, collaborations, etc., as we mentioned before.

How much money does a Youtuber earn?

The truth is that it’s impossible to determine a YouTuber’s exact income, even though there are tools that estimate influencers’ earnings.

Contracts/collaborations with businesses (private, of course), affiliate commissions, advertising, etc., are where they make the majority of their money.

As it may seem logical, the bigger your channel and community, the more income you will have, but your final compensation also depends on how you monetize your content. Consequently, knowing how much money you make from YouTube is impossible.

Advertising on YouTube

Therefore, if you want to make a YouTube channel and earn money, the first option is to take advantage of the income you will receive from advertising, which will change based on how frequently your viewers see advertisements within your content.

This means that your number of subscribers won’t determine your highest earnings, but it will give you a good idea of how much you earn from advertising on YouTube.

For you to know how YouTubers make money, you should know that the money earned on YouTube for displaying advertising depends on the following: The type of ad (banner, discovery, skippable or non-skippable, etc.).

How To Make Money With YouTube In 2024

However, you can’t decide what type of ad will be shown on your channel or its content.

Competitiveness. Ads on YouTube work on a bid-basis, so you’ll make more money from advertisers that are bigger or are competing for a more saturated niche.

It is crucial to note that, aside from deciding when they can be displayed, you, as the content creator, have no control over the ads. YouTube and its algorithm make the necessary optimizations to show relevant ads to an interested audience.

Promotional video content

Companies are aware of social networks’ potential and are always interested in finding influencers to promote their products.

Once you get enough subscribers and views, these companies will likely ask you to promote their products through videos for money.

This can be a great way to promote products that interest your audience and generate additional income, but be careful, as viewers are very touchy about advertisements and promotions.

“Bonus tip: only promote products that interest you and you think will be valuable to your niche market; that will keep your loyal viewers happy.

Affiliate programs

In addition to infrequent partnerships, many businesses might invite you to join their affiliate program. This means you will be paid a commission for each user who signs up for their platform using a particular link they will make just for you.

Without a doubt, affiliate marketing is one of the marketing actions that we see grow the most among companies.

If you have a small audience or want to get started in this world, research on the net to see which companies (related to your niche) have this program and might be interested in having you be part of it. And from there, start playing new topics to make videos on YouTube that can generate more clicks on the links.

Earn money with YouTube and your online store

It doesn’t matter if you already have a successful eCommerce business or were looking for ways to make money on YouTube and came across this article.

There are many ways to sell products online, and taking advantage of that to make a YouTube channel to earn money is one of them. We are going to explain it to you more in-depth.

Let’s say you want to break into e-commerce and are looking for alternative ways to get more sales, and YouTube is a great platform to do it.

Making YouTube videos can help you build your brand in a variety of ways, so we’ve compiled a list of the most significant ones for you.

Gain brand awareness:

Using YouTube to expand your business will unquestionably assist you in increasing your brand’s reach.

We have already said that YouTube is the the second largest search engine in the world, so that you will have access to a massive audience with its platform.

There’s no doubt that many of your new customers will come from this social network after a few videos have been published.

Remember to prioritize your budget by analyzing your YouTube income when planning your marketing strategies.

Show that your brand is professional:

Earning money with YouTube by uploading videos is one of many ways to take advantage of this platform. In addition, it will help you demonstrate that your branding strategy is professional and legitimate.

By creating compelling video content, your viewers (and potential customers) will associate that content with your brand. And it will give them more confidence about your products.

Humanize your brand:

You can also use YouTube to showcase the people behind your brand and make it more human. Customers are more likely to shop at your store if they are familiar with you.

They will be more likely to purchase in your store. They will also connect with you since you will directly discuss topics that interest them.

So keep reading to learn everything you need to be a YouTuber and earn money.

Recycle your content:

One benefit of investing in your YouTube business is providing your users with a new way to access your content. Although content marketing is a great way to expand your company, only some of your audience will find blogging enjoyable.

You can reach an entirely new audience if you also produce video content.

So, if you already run an online store, be bold about advertising it in your videos and product descriptions. It is a great way to drive more people to your website.

Tips and Advice:

How to make videos on YouTube and earn money It would be best if you had a lot of visitors to your videos to make money on YouTube. Here are some tips to help your content become one of the most viewed videos on YouTube.

Create engaging and informative content

Users are constantly looking for entertaining or informative videos to watch.

It’s essential for earning money on YouTube by uploading videos if you can give your audience engaging video content because they’ll be more likely to watch the entire thing and return later.

 Post regularly and consistently

Be consistent in our great advice to anyone wondering how to create a YouTube channel and earn money.

The YouTube algorithm will benefit you and be suitable for building a stronger relationship with your audience.

Your viewers will continue interacting with your channel if you provide them with a steady stream of content. They will consequently be much more aware of your online presence and eCommerce business.

Please pay attention to the best times to post your content to take advantage of the times that viewers are most likely to watch your videos, encouraging them to subscribe to your channel.

How To Make Money With YouTube In 2024

Collaborate with other YouTubers

One strategy you can use to earn money with YouTube is collaborating with other YouTubers.

This fantastic technique will enable you to expand the visibility of your channel, provide original content, and reach a wider audience.

Get in touch with the YouTubers in your target market after researching them; they’d likely be interested in working together.

If you notice, it’s very similar to influencer marketing on Instagram, only on YouTube.

Always Try to make your videos longer than 10 minutes

The amount of ad revenue that YouTube videos that are longer than 10 minutes will produce will benefit from the longer watch time.

Additionally, longer-watched videos will rank higher in search results, increasing users’ likelihood of seeing your content.

Ultimately, posting longer videos will make you more money with YouTube. Try to create attractive thumbnails and video titles that call the click.

Many YouTubers compete for their audience’s attention when they start a YouTube channel.

This should be kept in mind when producing content for your channel and, more importantly, promoting it.

So keep in mind that YouTube is a very visually-focused platform; creating appealing designs will help you draw in more users and, as a result, increase your YouTube income.

Make sure your content has professional audio and video quality. This is crucial to your success.

You must present your brand positively and professionally, so your video content should be high quality.

This does not require a significant investment today, thanks to technology. Mobile video editing apps can significantly help you.

 Remember the importance of SEO on YouTube.

 By paying attention to the SEO of your videos, particularly in the titles and descriptions. You can also make more money on YouTube.

It is, without a doubt, a great way to drive organic traffic to your YouTube channel.

The reality of how to earn money on YouTube by uploading videos

 Many users are surprised to see what Youtubers earn. Sure, making money with YouTube is possible, but you’ll need to get many views and subscribers first.

So if you were thinking of opening a YouTube channel to earn money by uploading videos quickly. You might be looking for something else.

Earning money on YouTube has its restrictions. However, it would be best to consider what other things it can

bring you and your brand: visibility, gifts, contacts, etc.

There may be better ways to monetize your efforts than making videos for money, but you can still make money on YouTube.

Even so, you can, and we recommend you take advantage of all the resources of this platform by exploring new topics to make videos on YouTube. This way, you will offer your users more visual and easy-to-consume content.

What’s more, you can only make money with YouTube by uploading videos. On the other hand, good content can help you build brand trust by displaying your products or even making customer loyalty if you give your subscribers a discount coupon, for example.

How To Make Money With YouTube In 2024

How the most famous YouTubers make money

Now we will see some examples of how YouTubers with the most audience and community earn money.

Although we can already anticipate that this part of the article is merely speculative because it is difficult to know

how much a YouTuber earns.

But let’s see some cases of famous. YouTubers with which it is possible to get an idea of their approximate income:

Hi, I’m Germán: this Chilean YouTuber has a community of 43 million subscribers on YouTube. Some experts believe he may make $4.5 million yearly, depending on his audience.

Alternatives to earn money with YouTube

Dropshipping :

Another method you can use to earn money online is dropshipping.

Dropshipping is a business model that entrepreneurs used to run their eCommerce stores without having to worry about carrying inventory.

When you receive an order for your dropshipping products, all you need to do is contact your suppliers, and they will deliver the goods right to your customer’s door.

You can operate a dropshipping business from any location with an internet connection.

It is straightforward to start your dropshipping store. With DSers and Shopify, you can make your online store in less than 30 minutes and start dropshipping today.

Try it out if you’re interested; it’s free! And that’s it; this is how YouTube works to earn money by uploading videos. If you have questions about dropshipping or want to share your experiences on making money on YouTube, let us know in the comments section.

Do you have any tips on becoming a YouTuber and making money?