How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023

How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023?

If you’ve been writing on your blog for a long time and have amassed a large amount of content, it’s possible that the time has come to reap financial rewards from it.
Furthermore, if the blog already has a community of followers, it will be easier for you to find ways to monetize it.

What would you think about continuing writing as before but taking advantage of the resources to earn money online?

First, you need a plan and a strategy to take the necessary steps and get started in one of the different ways to generate income with a blog and live from it.

I’m going to tell you ways to monetize your blog.

When to start monetizing a blog?

If you have read somewhere that blogging can make you earn income so that you don’t have to work anymore and can go to sleep, I have to tell you that this is not real.

Many people have succeeded with their blogs, which is true. Many people have succeeded with their blogs, which is true. And some people are doing well and have learned to live with it.

However, the blog necessitates effort as well as prior investments. You must invest time and effort in order to reap the benefits of your efforts.
So, if you want to make money from it, keep in mind that you will have to work on it first.
The best time to begin monetizing your blog will be determined by whether certain events occur that make it viable.
Let’s review what those circumstances might be.

How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023?

Your Blog Already Has A Substantial Amount Of Content.

Although your first objective is to create the blog to monetize it, work on the content beforehand so that there is a considerable number of articles when you start with the actions focused on monetization.

I recommend that you take care of your content, regardless of the model you choose. It is a way to attract visitors, and the visits will allow you to obtain income.


You also can’t expect to monetize your blog on specific models if you don’t have an adequate number of visits. To host third-party ads, for example, advertisers will require a minimum number of visits.


If your blog is focused on a specific or niche topic, you will probably find more opportunities to monetize it with products related to it.

While focusing on a specific niche also means fewer people you’ll reach, those people will be able to find content on your blog explicitly created with them in mind.

Thanks to this, monetization will be easier for you if you offer products focused on that segment.

Redesign Or Changes

The redesign or significant changes in a blog is sometimes a good opportunity to venture into one of the forms of monetization.

On the one hand, you can seize the opportunity to incorporate the resources required for monetization and make changes with that goal in mind. For example, you could set aside space for advertising banners.

And on the other, implementing some resources, such as templates or plugins, sometimes comes with the opportunity to earn extra income with them through affiliation.

How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023?


As I have told you before, if you have enabled a lead capture system on your blog and you have harvested a good number of them over time, The time may have come to use this resource to your advantage.


Third parties may occasionally offer the opportunity to earn money through them.

If your blog also has many followers in the form of visits or subscribers, they could launch a proposal to host advertising for their products on the blog.

Tips to monetize your blog

Once you have seen the different options, you can consider starting to monetize your blog, and you must consider some critical questions.


The fact that you will find a way to earn money from your blog does not imply that you must sell to the highest bidder or that the blog must become a flea market.

Make certain that the products you recommend or sell through it are of high quality and inspire confidence in you.

Keep in mind that your reputation and positioning are on the line.

If you promote the wrong products, it will negatively influence your blog and yourself.

If you do not want something for yourself, do not want it for others.

How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023?


It is critical that the blog functions flawlessly, loads as quickly as possible, and does not crash. and so on.
Visitors will become dissatisfied with a blog that does not function properly. And you can’t make your income is dependent on it.

Here are the top offers for the best web hosting:

Bluehost, hostinger etc..


WordPress is, without a doubt, the tool I recommend for developing your blog.

This tool offers you the necessary resources to make your blog what you want, with robustness and agility.

Get rid of tools that initially seem easy to use and are real bargains. You will eventually have to change. So why not get started right away?

How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023?


Updating your blog will guarantee that everything will work well and be safe from hackers. That is a question that you should not ignore.

Take care of the contents with respect

Visitors will come to your blog because of the content. The better the content, the more likely it will be visited. And it is those visits that will enable you to monetize them.

Worry about treating the contents of your blog in such a way that they are helpful, easy to read, and attract more visits.

Ten ways to monetize a blog

There are many ways to monetize a blog. I have grouped them into 10.


You can definitely begin by offering your services.

If you work in consulting, training, design, or SEO writing, it is the best way to attract clients that will provide you with income.

The web will come in handy if you are the author of the blog since the articles and information that you share with the rest will contribute to giving you a reputation and consolidate yourself as an expert, and in some way prove your degree of experience in your subject, which It will facilitate access to new customers.

You can implement several models:

Work per hour: put a PayPal button (or integrate Stripe) with your hourly rate and the number of hours. It is done. You get paid first, and then you work.

Bags of hours: the more hours, the more excellent discounts. It offers loads of 20, 40, and 100 hours of work. Put a PayPal button on each bag.

Tailor-made for each project: in this case, the project requires more dedication. It is about analyzing the client’s needs and making an ad-hoc proposal—a real job at a consulting company.


Selling products or info products through your blog can be a quick and agile way to earn income.

In this case, you must display the products for sale, enable a button for payment, such as PayPal, and sell directly.

An important consideration is that you will be able to attract more potential buyers if you work on the content related to those products, explaining what they are made of, clearing up doubts, clarifying issues, providing examples, etc…

The objective is that the possible client clears all his doubts and objections with your help. If you persuade him, he’ll click the buy insurance button.The alternatives on which products and info products to sell are numerous:

Sell paper books (not digital)

Many writers or journalists use their blogs to sell copies of their books on paper. It is usually done by renowned authors, who transfer their followers to the web.

But the opposite can also happen: a blogger gains popularity through his posts and then decides to compile or enrich them and publish a book.

These are some of the best publishers to publish your books.

Sell WordPress templates or plugins

Freelance plugin and template design companies and developers offer their products on platforms such as:

.Woo Themes

.Theme Forest

.Unique Blog Designs

If you are a developer, this may be a solution for you to offer your creations on these platforms and make money with them.

Post links from your blog

Sell to your mailing list

The money Is in the List: if you want to sell online, you must have a mailing list.

Mailing lists offer conversion levels that are higher than any other medium.

Think about encouraging people to subscribe in exchange for some digital gift of undoubted value, such as an ebook.

These are some of the tools that will help you manage your newsletters and promotions:

  • MailChimp
  • ActiveCampaign
  • ConvertKit
  • GetResponse
  • Drip

Sell an Ebook

It has already become a classic: using the blog to sell an ebook on a specific topic.

I assure you that not because it is old, it has ceased to be an effective way to earn money.

And since Amazon came into our lives, it has become a great sales tool.

If you have an ebook and want to sell it on Amazon, I’ll explain it step by step in this article.

Online training courses

People are willing to pay for someone to teach them and pass on knowledge (not just information) on a specific topic.

Education is one of the most critical industries. The Internet has become an excellent alternative for more and more people.

Creating an online course focused on a well-defined niche for a related audience is an increasingly common monetization solution.

Naturally, you will have to create a coherent structure and promote it appropriately.

In terms of support, there are many online platforms that you can use to impart information, from simple articles to audio and video lessons, such as Kajabi or Teachable.

How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023?

Organize face-to-face training, seminars, or conferences around the theme of your blog

If you manage to make your blog become an authority on a particular subject, a good idea would be to organize face-to-face courses around that topic.

The next step, although it requires more effort and logistics, is the webinar or conference. What we commonly call a webinar.

Perhaps you can gather hundreds of interested people: between tickets and sponsors, it can be a great deal.

Of course, do not doubt that easy money is not. Organizing something like this requires a lot of time and dedication.



That is quite common on the Internet.

Under the affiliate sales system, you will turn your site into a showcase to allow other companies (affiliates) to directly or indirectly sell their products or services in exchange for a commission.

Some call this modality the acronym CPA, which means “cost per action,” or CPL, “cost per recommendation” (cost per lead).

Affiliate sellers can derive potential customers to the sales site through different ways, such as banners and sponsored links in a recommendation about the product.

To find good affiliate programs, contact large companies and blogs directly or join affiliate sales networks. For me, this is the most effective model to monetize a blog.

Some of the most recognized are:

  •       Commission Junction
  •       ClickBank

In this aspect, I make three basic recommendations so that you do not put your reputation at stake (remember what I have pointed out above):

. Only promote products you know and believe are good and valuable for your target audience.

. Apply the nine-for-1 rule: 9 value items for one promotion.

. If you think it’s essential, you can be even more transparent and let your readers know it’s an affiliate link before they click.

How To Start a Blog And Earn Money In 2023?

I leave you here the complete guide to getting started in affiliate marketing.



If you don’t forget to put the rel=” no follow” tag on these links, you should have no problems with Google.

The advantage of this method is that it is not invasive at all. One can sell the links directly from your blog or resort to specialized networks.

An easy and fast way to monetize blogs and earn money from home.

Keep these critical parameters in mind:

. Position on the link page

. Reciprocity of the link

. Whether the link is present on all pages or only on one

. If this single page is your cover page or a standard article


Advertising banners on your blog are a traditional way to earn money from visitors’ direct actions.

Let’s see the different possible modalities.

Pay Per Click (PPC) ad networks

Google AdSense is the most common option to monetize a blog, but that should not lead you to think that there are no others.

In theory, you must sign up for one of these networks and then paste some codes onto your website.

Through this, the system will publish contextual ads (texts or images) that are important within your site, and you will earn money for each click that ad gets.

Key parameters that impact your income:

. Niche

. traffic volume

. Organic traffic, as search engines attract people looking for something in particular and tend to have better conversion factors as those visitors are explicitly looking for something, which is likely to click on your ads more often.

. CTR Page click rate

. CPC or cost per click

Here are some of the top PPC advertising networks:

. Google Advertising

. Bing

. Yahoo

Ad networks CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions)

CPM ads, although similar to PPC, have another modality. Although they are contextual just like the others, in this case, they pay for the number of impressions of those ads on your website.

You will add an impression every time that screen is opened and a particular banner appears within your site.

Example: a blog that monthly generates 100,000 page views showing a specific banner. If it has a CPM of one euro, it will earn 100 euros at the end of the month {=(100,000/1000)*1}. This is another standard option to monetize a blog.

Key parameters that impact your income:



.traffic volume

.Ability to segment the audience of the sociodemographic blog + interests

.Banner size

.Banner Position

.Banners format (static or animated, jpg/gif)

The following are the most popular CPM ad networks:


.Google Advertising

.double click


google ads

Direct advertising with banners


Start here if you want to multiply your Adsense income by a factor of 3 or 4. It seems obvious, but it can be a very lucrative avenue if you go into the trouble of selling ad space yourself.

First of all, you save yourself the whole issue of intermediaries. And second, because you can set the rates yourself.

Standardized formats are 728×90 pixel headers, 120×600 side panels, 300×250 rectangles, and 125×125 buttons.

It will work best if you already have an essential and highly segmented audience if you want to get well-known advertisers. And you will also have to lose part of your time selling and collecting the spaces.


Pay Per Post was the pioneer in this model, with some controversy in its beginning related to the fact that they did not require that it be clarified who sponsored their posts.

Other companies soon followed suit, the most successful of which were Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe, which refined the process and expanded the model.

If you join this market of sponsored articles, you will have the opportunity to write posts on various topics.

By the way, not all bloggers will be willing to write about a particular product, considering that this can affect their credibility. But many do it to monetize blogs. And they make good money from it.


If your blog has fixed sections, such as a series of celebrity interviews, you may be able to find a sponsor specifically for those sections.

This method is widely used to increase the income generated by a site. It is of interest to advertisers because it allows them to target their message to a particular audience at a low cost.

An excellent example of this is the one carried out by Problogger, which, when it develops group writing projects, first publicly announces the project, summoning advertisers who want to sponsor it.

You can also seek sponsorship for other products you have created, such as your podcasts, ebooks, etc.


Some websites and blogs offer some of their content for free but charge a fee to access premium content and exclusive tools.

Moz is an example of this. They have a well-visited blog that offers advice and information on various SEO-related topics.

And as a complement, users can become premium members in exchange for 79 dollars per month, which will entitle them to access a series of exclusive tools/materials/services.

A great model to monetize blogs



It is not ingenious to think that people may be willing to collaborate financially with your blog.

So maybe you can find an efficient way to get some extra money by putting a link or a button that says “Make your donation.”

It is more likely to be successful in this way if your blog offers valuable information that is useful to many people.

A similar mechanism was very successful in asking for voluntary contributions, although in this case, it was a WordPress plugin that said, “Buy me a beer.”

By taking the subject lightly, some bloggers have had some results showing empathy with their readers, who ended up willing to drop a few bucks to reward the blogger.

Now, consider donations as an income supplement to monetize a blog since in no case could it not be the core of a business model.


You will think that it may be the last resort. Still, it is a way of generating income.

The ideal site to offer your blog is Flippa, an online asset trading market. You’ll also find offerings at DigitalPoint.

You can determine the price of a website with the monthly income it generates, multiplying that figure by a number (it could go from 3 to 36) according to the expectations and negotiating capacity of the seller, the quality of the site, the type niche, and the evolution in traffic.

And believe it or not, many people make money buying, improving, and selling sites.

They buy existing sites, improve the Look & Feel significantly, work on them for a while to increase income, and then put them up for sale, charging a nice Premium on the purchase they have made at the time.

We have reached the final. What do you say now? Do you dare to start any of them?